Ready to Elevate Your Wealth and Life Design?

Freedom Warrior is an exclusive, invitation-only community, specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are committed to achieving financial freedom using exclusive wealth-building strategies and insider education.

If you’re a successful entrepreneur, you already know the importance of planning for your future. But navigating the complexities of wealth management and life design can be daunting. That’s where Freedom Warrior comes in.

Are you a Good Fit?

We’re not just looking for any entrepreneur. We want individuals who are:

  • Business Owners: You must own and operate your own business.

  • Financially Successful: Your business should be thriving, with a solid revenue stream.

  • Life Designers: You should be passionate about designing a life that balances professional success with personal fulfillment.

  • Growth Mindset: You should be eager to learn, grow, and implement advanced wealth-building strategies and life-design principles.

  • Committed: Our group thrives on active participation and engagement. You should be ready to contribute and benefit from the collective wisdom of our community.

I was looking for access to better deals. I was frustrated that I knew there were great deals out there but couldn't figure out how to find them.

Since being part of the Freedom Warrior Program, I better understand myself, what I want and how to get there. I have been prompted to answer questions I didn’t even know I needed to ask. I now know how to analyse opportunities and take actions to build my portfolio.

Matt B

We’ve achieved success with Salena’s program and we feel more confident spending time with family without being financially strained

Ben C

I was looking for access to better deals. I was frustrated that I knew there were great deals out there but couldn't figure out how to find them.

Since being part of the Freedom Warrior Program, I better understand myself, what I want and how to get there. I have been prompted to answer questions I didn’t even know I needed to ask. I now know how to analyse opportunities and take actions to build my portfolio.

Matt B

We’ve achieved success with Salena’s program and we feel more confident spending time with family without being financially strained

Ben C

Freedom Warrior is like nothing else out there. It’s investment agnostic. It’s been a phenomenal investment of time and money.

Brent W

It was a no-brainer for me to join. Salena imparts fantastic knowledge that the average person just doesn’t have access to in the street.

I think Freedom Warrior is for every business owner. It’s about giving you the guidance and education you need to set you up for life.

If you have got a business and lazy capital, or a bunch of investments potentially that aren’t giving you what you want, this is for you.

Craig B

We Joined Freedom Warrior because we were frustrated with local investment opportunities not yielding enough or being too tax heavy.

Salena has helped us gain the confidence to invest and avoid many pitfalls of investing abroad and the access to the trusted advisors is priceless. That we can make informed decisions based on the education we have had is also incredible.

Salena has paved the yellow brick road and with some courage, I can follow that and know the outcome will be a positive one.

Andrew S

Salena is a great mentor with a wealth of investment knowledge. I am now able to understand investing for myself & confidently invest in various deals

The community in Freedom Warriors is fabulous and we’ve met people who are like minded, helpful, friendly & generous.

My wife now understands how to invest in deals and we have the ability to pass this knowledge on to our sons who could continue to invest well after I have gone.

Martin R

I love the better returns.

The education has been really important for me and the mentoring with Salena has been super valuable to tweak and refocus our thinking.

Tony F

I had money to invest and no clear direction on what to do with it. I was seeking some considered ideas from an intelligent source and not a financial planner.

I was interested in property to diversify from my then current holdings.

The returns that alternative investing offered without the headaches was attractive.

Once I first met Salena I felt immediate comfort and security in her level of knowledge, plain language and confidence.

Judy Q

I joined Freedom Warrior because we had poor performing properties requiring constant cash flow injection and we were hoping to learn a different pathway to financial independence.

We’ve found the knowledge to learn about alternative investments, support to ensure application and measuring progress , community to learn from others and connection to like minded investors, networking to advisors to invest in new opportunities

Barry Y

“One of the things I have learnt from Salena is that most business owners are so focused on growing their business and not on growing their wealth.

I think the only question that matters is ‘If I stopped working today, would my passive income cover my living expenses?’

Ive learned that traditional investments exist in very efficient markets and that the super wealthy invest in inefficient markets.

We need our money out there working hard for us.

James S

I wanted to start our investment journey early whilst we had the energy and were building good capital in the business (profits).

We have appreciated the continuous exposure to the methodology, the deal makers, other's experiences, and also accountability. Even though we are motivated, having a touch point with Salena keeps it front of mind, especially when its so easy to become buried in the trenches as a business owner.

Dani C

We joined Salena because we were frustrated with the long-term poor performance of our financial planner guided wealth pool. We wanted access to better performing deals without significant increased risk

We’ve stayed because we love the access to better performing investments, education and resources, coaching guidance, support & accountability and the Involvement in an emerging supportive & sharing community.

Al R

Its a great community to be a part of. After joining, I have a lot more clarity on what kind of deals I like and why

Ben B

Of course I wanted financial freedom and for my husband to stop working in a highly stressful environment, but what I didn’t foresee was the difference it made in me.

But with Salena helping us explore our finances, and our options, I began to see I had a significant part to play. I could be, as strong and financially important to our family as my husband has always been.

So I have jumped in with all I have and the strength, sense of self and confidence I have gained in return has been remarkable.

Rebecca R

What I love most about Freedom Warrior is the fact that it is a true Mastermind. I see that it provides an opportunity to discuss a lot of aspects of wealth and what wealth means.

Angela B

I’d been looking around for a program to enhance my education. I’ve been investing in property for around thirty-five years. I was looking for fresh thinking, for a fresh marketplace.

Geoff C

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Your Practice is Thriving,

But What About Your Wealth?

Bridge Your Wealth Gap Through

Learning Unique Skills To Orchestrate Your Capital

In the world of dentistry, economic downturns have been relatively uncommon and it is a profession that has enjoyed high margins and prosperity.

However, recent shifts suggest this stability may be changing. While past recessions mildly affected the Australian and New Zealand dental landscape, today's environment is different.

The pressures of rising lifestyle inflation, growing and fierce competition for patients, dental corporations seeking market share and economic volatility are all impacting previously generous dental practice margins..

Recent data suggests that despite years of high earnings, many dentists are not reaching retirement with sufficient resources to maintain their lifestyle. This highlights that skills required to generate high income are different from those needed to shepherd, protect and grow wealth.

Having a profitable practice alone is not enough to guarantee future financial safety and success and even an attractive practice sale may not bridge the gap.

Traditional wealth management is designed to take control away from you and put it in the hands of those who claim to have your best interest at heart, but who offer advice without consequences, even if they get it wrong.

In my years of being a wealth guide, I’ve seen many dentists trapped in an endless cycle — working relentlessly, investing in traditional assets, often volatile markets, while the dream of 'one day' enjoying their hard-earned wealth seems perpetually out of reach.

But what if there was a different way?

What if real freedom doesn't require a fortune, but rather a strategic approach to generating sustainable cash flow now?

This is where the journey begins — understanding that true wealth isn't just about accumulating assets, but about creating a lifestyle where your assets work for you, providing the cash flow you need for freedom today, not decades from now.


To support those dentists seeking the knowledge to achive outsized returns become full-cycle dentists and take control of their wealth building, I have created THE DENTISTS WEALTH BLUEPRINT WORKSHOP.

This event is for practice owners interested in learning:

  • Strategies to fortify your wealth and withstand economic challenges.

  • Fresh perspectives on wealth-building, potentially accelerating your journey to financial freedom.

  • Key metrics to measure your financial success accurately.

  • The secrets to becoming a sovereign investor, taking control of your financial future.

  • Practical strategies for generating stable, predictable cash flow outside your practice, typically reserved for the ultra-wealthy.